Song: Color song
Conversation: What color is this?
Story: Follow the map
Phonics: Consonant J j
Main theme: Colors
Song: I can sing a rainbow
Conversation: What is your favorite color?
Story: The pond
Phonics: Consonant K k
Main theme: What color is it? It is…
Song: Shape song
Conversation: Look! This is a circle.
Story: Chasing the map
Phonics: Consonant L l
Main theme: Shapes
Song: Square song
Conversation: How many sides does a triangle have?
Story: Race for the map
Phonics: Review J j K k L l
Main theme: What is this? It is a …
Song: It is snowing
Conversation: I like winter.
Story: The statue
Phonics: Consonant M m
Main theme: Winter activities
Song: I am a little snowman
Conversation: Can you snowboard?
Story: A hidden treasure
Phonics: Review Aa-Mm
Main theme: What are you going? I am…